A noticeable point made by the Ministry of Health in their introduction to the Framework is that
it was developed “using international evidence” (p3). The implementation of pathways that
deliver patient centred care that is evidence based requires practitioners to meld a broad
evidence base that includes research, clinical experience, patient experience and information
from the local context (Rycroft-Malone, Harvey, Seers, & Kitson, 2004). In other words, the local
context is a major factor in the success of any care pathway.
This compendium is a step towards meeting the challenge and opportunity facing New Zealand
to develop local evidence that practitioners, patients and their families can meld with the
overseas evidence, their own experience and what they know about their local context.
Ministry of Health ( 2013).
New Zealand Framework for Dementia Care
. Wellington: Author.
Ministry of Health (2014)
Improving the Lives of People with Dementia.
Wellington, Ministry of
Rycroft-Malone, J., Harvey, G., Seers, K. , & Kitson, A. (2004). An exploration of the factors that
influence the implementation of evidence into practice.
Journal of Clinical Nursing, 13,